RTBC Day Eight: What’s in your wallet?

Reflective Teaching Blog Challenge – Day Eight: What’s in your desk drawer and what can you infer from it?

Ok, you got me. This post isn’t about my wallet. Here’s what you’d find in my desk drawer(s) if you were to open it(them) at the moment:


Unused binder clips – Tells you I don’t like clipping things together, apparently.

Keys – Tells you I find the contents of my desk to be very precious, or at least worth locking away each night.

Tooth brush and tooth paste – Tells you Koreans take dental hygene very seriously (they brush their teeth after EVERY meal).

Tax exemption forms – Tells you I’m trying to keep Uncle Sam’s share of my earnings in South Korea for myself.

Plastic plates – These actually go with two suction cup/sticky balls I’ve used in class. Tells you I like to play games in class!

A keychain from Atlanta – Tells you my vice principal likes to give me trinkets from time to time.

Dry erase markers – Tells you I like to keep my kids actively involved during the lesson.

Paper cups – Tells you I worked on the Cup Song with my students! Or I hoard supplies from the coffee station.

Unused magnets – Tells you I tried to use them as game pieces, but the magnets themselves were so strong that they clung together too hard.

A brochure about the local community arts center, in Korean – Tells you I’m artsy and my co-workers know it.

Unused folders/organizers – Tells you …nothing really. Lol.

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