The roses are blooming!

The roses are blooming in South Korea. It always happens around this time of year – the end of May, the beginning of June. Our first neighborhood in Korea was a little place in the middle of Seoul called Yangpyeong-dong. It was covered in rose bushes. The streets and storefronts were covered in them.

I thought that I’d really miss the huge bloom that came with the warmer weather when we moved further south, towards Busan. I was wrong! Roses are everywhere. I don’t know if there was a concerted effort to plant them all over the country, but they’re in every place I’ve been. Yangsan is no exception. The school I’m working at now is a jungle of red and pink blossoms this week, and the air is heavily scented with rose. It’s lovely.

Today, I wandered out and took some photos of a few of the flowers. I hope you enjoy them!

Roses in Korea Roses in Korea Roses in Korea Roses in Korea Roses in Korea

What flowers are blooming where you are right now? Leave a comment!

The post The roses are blooming! appeared first on Evan and Rachel.