Rice Burger (밥버거)

I have recently discovered a cheap delicious treat called Rice Burger (밥버거). It’s shaped like a burger, but uses rice as its bun, and it is eaten with a spoon. There are three simple instructions.


1. Decide what you want. Prices range from 1,500 won ($1.33 USD) to 3,000 won ($2.65 USD). I like the kimchi bulgogi or darc-galbi. I think the mayo or cheese selections are kind of gross.


It’s pretty cute when it arrives, but don’t eat it just yet.


2. Unwrap a bit and… smash burger.


3. Unwrap fully, and eat with a spoon!

Simple, fast, and cheap. Just add it as another reason I enjoy living in South Korea. You’ll find these everywhere, but especially near universities. Seems like a staple for college diets here!


Hi, I'm Stacy. I'm from Portland, Oregon, USA, and am currently living in Busan, South Korea. Check me out on: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Lastfm, and Flickr.