Reading List: Key Results of the South Korean LGBTI Community Social Needs Assessment Survey

Chingusai has published a great document that I recommend to all my readers. Key Results of the South Korean LGBTI Community Social Needs Assessment Survey, in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Chingusai, is chock-full of statistics related to the lives of LGBTI individuals in Korea. With an online survey that ran from October to November 2013 and an offline survey the following month, the 3,159 respondents should decently reflect Korean society, but you should keep in mind that there will be self-selection bias in the results... including a focus on younger respondents. 

Oh, and did I mention they produced an English version? 

As the survey did interviews and focus groups as well, there is also a great deal of personal quotes throughout the survey. I found the following, from a MTF 30-year old, particularly touching.

I wish people like us could hide the fact that we'd gone through [legal] sex change and the adoption process would become easier, too... It's not like people care if your genes are in [your children] these days, either. I just want someone who'll think of me as mom."

So stop reading my post, and check out the South Korean LGBTI Community Social Needs Assessment Survey.

ps, the English version is only a translation of the key results. For the entire survey (including a detailed explanation of methods and the survey questions, click here