New phone, maybe a new car....future

I'm not really a materialistic person. If you know me you will see I don't have a fashionable and expensive purse dangling from my arm, or the latest handphone clutched in my palm. However, that doesn't mean I don't desire material things. My return to America is pointing me in the direction of building up a new life. I have the opportunity to get a new phone and contract, along with furniture for my rented room.

However, bigger options are starting to cross my path. Like the possibility of leasing or owning a car. The last time I owned a car was a few years before I moved to Korea. It was a used Toyota Cressida that was nearly as old as myself (at the time). That car served me well during my early college years, but later on the poor thing overheated a lot. I ended up donating it to a radio station.

So I've never owned a new car, or at the least a slightly new car. The thought of getting one has me all excited but also a bit nervous on finances. With a car comes more monthly bills to pay, but heck it also gives you a lot of freedom! Road-trips!

Also I think I would use my car to help people in my community. As I was perusing through one of Seattle's websites I found that there is a volunteer service you can join. They help drive seniors to the grocery store. Basically, when you need to go to the store you go pick up a senior, help them and you're done. You get rebates on your car insurance and help out with gas. I thought that was a clever idea.

Yet, I'm not too sure I should really dive into such a financial commitment right away. The place I got isn't too far from the campus, just a 15 or 20 min bus ride away. Near my home is a grocery store and pharmacy. So I am kind of going back and forth on this. Then I lean towards "yes" because I know I want to take up internships or volunteer work within the ESL field, and a car might really help with that.

So in essence returning to America has me buzzed about so many things. I've really enjoyed living in Seoul where having a car is impractical. But maybe it's time to hit the road. ;)