NaPoWriMo Day 13: Fortunate Cookies

You already know the answer to the questions lingering inside your head

The man on top of the mountain did not fall there
So I, this contradiction of will and water
aust find another way
My high-minded principles spell success, yes
But my low-minded opinions spell
the sorts of things
a lady shouldn’t know

Change can hurt, but it leads a path to something better, he says
watching rocks tumble tremble, trip gaily down the sloping sides
I guess I never liked that tree, but
this wanton destruction seems…
Anyway, land is always on the mind of a flying bird
Sky is always on the mind
of a creature so root-bound as I
But even rocks can fly, given
the right momentum

The challenge for this day was to use fortune cookie fortunes in some way, so I looked up a bunch and sprinkled them through my own writing. Even the title is lifted directly from a fortune cookie! Also I know I'm horribly behind, so expect a lot of frantically written poems over the next couple days.

Teacher Pretty
Middle school ESL teacher, lover of pink, eater of kimchi, addicted to Etude House, expert procrastinator, meeter of 2-dimensionial popstars: Ana. That's me.

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