Low Carb Protein Sticks

This week I’m breaking the post into two parts. This post will be the protein part. Next week will be the carb part. Together, these recipes have been my post workout meal of choice recently. IMG_1426-25So what is a protein stick? Um well basically it’s just a protein pancake that has been cut into stick form. Exciting right?

IMG_1424-23Okay I realize that there is nothing amazing about protein pancakes cut into sticks. Nor do they look very spectacular. But you know what? Sticks are dip-able. Pancakes? Not so much. Spreadable and stack-able, yes. So if you would prefer to make this recipe into pancakes and then spread them with the dip, you can definitely go ahead.

IMG_1411-17But then it takes longer.. because you have to make and flip and wait for all those itty bitty pancakes to finish. In my method- you make one big one, only worry about flipping it once (and I actually baked half the recipe in the oven, so didn’t need to do any flipping there), and then cut into your stick shapes. Much faster.

Low Carb Protein Sticks (or Pancakes)



1 cup egg whites
2 scoops of chocolate protein powder (I used Elite Casein, but you could use any flavour or type)
1 tsp baking powder
2 packets of stevia (or sugar equivalent)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp guar gum (optional, but makes it stick better)
1/2-1 cup tea (I’ve used a chocolate yerba mate flavour and peppermint flavours with good results)


1. Beat egg whites with 1/2 cup tea and wet ingredients.
2. Add dry ingredients, mix well.
3. Add remaining 1/2 cup tea, as desired. You don’t want to add too much or it won’t flip easily. The texture should still be thick- check the photos.
4. Pour onto a parchment paper-lined frying pan or baking tray. For the frying pan, cook on low heat, covered for 8-10 mins, then carefully flip and finish cooking 2 mins until done. For the oven, bake at 350 for 10-15 mins until done.
5. Cut into strips, and portion out into 3 equal servings.

Serves 3

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Check back next week for the dip recipe.. it involves kabochas :)
