let’s hear it for the boys

i spent the weekend with matty and all his brofriends. we went to a baseball game…

where we root root rooted for the home team.

one! NO! two! NO! three! TRIPLE SAME!

sooo many dudes.

tiny solo cups — not just for mouthwash anymore.

and trust me, beer is necessary to wash down the gustatory horror of dried squid.

then, jeff, matt and hwan joined the lotte giants and led them to victory in the world series.

finally, in preparation for the imminent arrival of Bro Du Jour romaine c. martin, matty’s chops got a trim.

it was fun. but how many weekends of Dude Stuff can a girl endure before she has to admit that she’s can’t keep up with the competitive soju drinking and doesn’t really want to stay out until 4 a.m. diffusing potential fights and then laughing about how close we all came to fighting again?

in other words: busan, where my ladies at?