it is stress

Stress is labeled as a force of nature. We can have both positive and negative experiences with it. We have evolved over time to adapt to the levels we experience and internally our bodies are able to handle whatever comes our way. To an extent, it is different for everyone.

I am stressed.

I am worried about other people and their situations.

I am realizing there is far too much that I can not control.

I made a plan. I worked hard. Then something trivial comes along and messes everything up.

Ways to Cope:

Be creative in the ways I spend my money.

I made a killer pizza just using all the left overs in my fridge. The last of the spinach, garlic, and mushrooms. Small amount of mozzarella, and feta and a basic dough recipe. 1 person eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily is quite tough. Always seems like I am throwing something out because I just didn’t get to it quick enough. I am trying to make deals lately with the people at the market, to give me half of what they normally gage as a portion. My 1 person family can not eat what the 4 person family can.

Find ways to entertain myself without the money spending.

It has been awhile since I went to the museum.

That is just a subway ride away.

Only taking the subway as much as possible.

And preparing myself with the very best podcasts and or books.

Art Supplies.

I spend what seems like so much on them, every month. I get excited, and motivate myself with a new canvas. I think I can use everything I have now for awhile. Sand down some canvases and reuse them. Force myself to think of other ways to paint. Wood? Cardboard? If I am not selling anything it seems silly to keep spending so much.

Challenging myself to find other things to do besides spend money.

It seems like when you have free time you wanna go shopping, eat out, go to the movies, whatever it is you do. But there are plenty of other things I could be doing that wouldn’t require so much money to be spent.

Stress, please go away. I feel lucky that I don’t experience you as often as others but I really just don’t see the point in getting all worked up about things I can not control.

The Pressure