It’s an Election Year So Obama Sits in the Middle of the Rosa Parks Bus

President Obama sits on the same bus where Rosa Parks made history on December 1st 1955. The president, as is prudent in an election year, is sitting in the middle of the bus.

As part of a campaign swing through the midwest the president stopped in Dearborn Michigan (yes, he save your ass, and thanks for paying us back).

While there he visited the Henry Ford Museum, which is home to the 1948 GM bus on which Ms. Parks refused to sit in the back of.

When studying at San Francisco State University I was fortunate to take several classes and share a daily cigarette with Professor Robert C. Smith.

He’s written several books including the controversial, Conservatism and Racism and Why in America They Are the Same.

While I was studying under Professor Smith thirteen years ago he was working on the Encyclopedia of African American Politics. I will always remember one particular day sitting on the bench with the professor, we were smoking Newports. He was telling me how the publishers of the book were upset with him because he didn’t want to include Rosa Parks in his encyclopedia. “Why, not put her in there,” I asked?

He took a drag, looked at me with all seriousness and said, “Because all she did was sit on a bus!”