I’m In Trouble

This weekend while in Nampo-dong I couldn’t help myself and I ventured into the BoDa store, which is full of cute stationary, toys, knickknacks, and my favorite weird cute figures- Sonny Angel Dolls.   Not only did they have new dolls with new random things on their heads, but they also now offer Calendar Gift Sets!


I was proud of myself for not giving in to the marketing ploy, but it was cute.  And just because someone at the Sonny Angel company is really giving it their all, they also now offer backdrops for your (my) collection of weird naked babies with animal heads.


I didn’t buy one of these either, but I may have broken down and bought myself a new doll that turned out to be a cute calico Kitty, but I can neither confirm nor deny that.


What I can confirm is that for Christmas I was sent an outfit (from my awesome friend Ahnna), for a doll, and I enjoyed this gift.  When does the required 30 cats arrive and my crazy lady status is confirmed? Let me know, I’ll be waiting.

From Busan with Weird Obsessions Love,

Filed under: Busan, cute, Japan, nerdy, shopping, South Korea, travel

From Roam with Love