An herb garden with a great view


Living in a studio apartment (one room here in Korea) calls for desperate measures if you want to have a garden. I can enviously see from our window the homes below with full blown veggie gardens growing on roofs. Unfortunately, I have been limited to a few herbs I have found at the store or have been given.

I have a little rosemary, some basil, some strawberries (which aren’t growing at all) and 2 things of coriander which I believe is also cilantro.

The rosemary will not grow…it is a little brown and a little green…

The basil grows somewhat and I have already used it a few times when cooking.

The coriander has finally started to grow.

The strawberries…nada. (maybe it is the wrong season.

Do you have any tips for helping window gardens grow?? I need all the help I can get.

Nicole       &         Adam