Haeundae’s Sand Festival

Great Hotels in Busan

The beginning of the summer season has hit Busan, and the city seems to be celebrating with a raft of festivals. There’s the International Car Show, a River Sports Festival, an International Dance Festival, a Port Festival, and a Traditional Folk Festival… and this all in the first week of June! We felt a little guilty skipping out on all of them, so decided to check out the Sand Festival at Haeundae Beach.

Sand Art

It was one of the first sunny weekend days of summer, and the beach was packed with people. Not too many of them were there for the Sand Festival, though, and it quickly became apparent why. Where we had expected huge statues made of sand, the sculptures weren’t much more than “paintings” in the sand, carved out of big mounds.

Some of them were quite well done, but we weren’t too impressed, and quickly abandoned the festival to spend an extra hour laying on the beach. But we got some great photos which are worth sharing, and the atmosphere on the beach was a lot of fun… even if we can classify the Sand Festival itself as “skippable”.

- Eat Your Kimchi

Sand Festival Busan 2012
Beach Tents
Beach Condo Busan
Sand Castle Busan
Samurai Korea
Sand Queen
Sand Temple
Sand Warrior
Sargent Frog Korea
Korean Astronaut
Screaming Baby Sand
Sand Artist
Beach Dream
Fun In The Sand
K-Drama F4
Korea Swimming
Big Balls
Little Stonkers

We're Jürgen and Mike, from Germany and the USA. Born wanderers, we love learning about new cultures and have decided to see the world... slowly. Always being tourists might get lame, but eternal newcomers? We can live with that. So, our plan is to move to an interesting new city, once every three months. About 91 days.

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