Gayspeak: 이성애규범성 (Heteronormativity)

You'll probably never have a chance to use this word, but I'll definitely applaud your Korean skills if you somehow sneak it into conversation.

As uncommon as it is in discourses in the US, I imagine it is used among only a small breed of academics in Korea.

이성애규범성 (i-seong-ae-gyu-beom-seong)

Heteronormativity, the wide-set view that assumes all people fill binary gender roles and live heterosexual lives, is even more pervasive in Korea as it is in the US. While I sometimes call people out on heteronormative comments, I imagine I would get stares if I said 이성애 규범성을 갖고 생각하지 말아 to Korean friends. Nevertheless, the construction of the world is pretty great: 이성 is heterosexual, 애 is from the Chinese character from love and 규범성 is normality.