First Blossoms of Spring

Yesterday, when I left school, my colleague and I discovered our first blossoms of spring. So today I decided to truck along the camera and get snapshots of them. Therefore what you see today is a view of my walk home from work.

Compared to last year, I live fairly close to work which is about a 15 - 20 minute walk. You might recall that last year it took me about 40 minutes to get home.
The area I am living sometimes feels like it is a bowl, since there a large mountains nearly surrounding the Nowon area.  On my walk there was one part where a group of three people seemed to hog the whole path.

The walk home has been pleasing since it takes me past a river and the view is pretty interesting.

Here we are, the first blossoms of spring.

I guess these are magnolias...right? Anyways I recall they were first to bloom last year, too.

The rest of today's picture show is what I see on the path I take through the apartment complexes.
There's this oddball playground (above) and nearly in the center of everything is this large industrial stack.
The following is a view of my building.
This neighborhood has a fair share of "trash-cats", which if Tom isn't too lucky he someday could become initiated as one.

Then we stop and see what the view is like while waiting for the elevator. You first have the view of where the apartment Ahjusshi sits in his office. Then the other view of the mailboxes.

I'm looking forward to more blooms and seeing my neighborhood develop from bland to awesome.