Dear Korea #087 - Never Surrender

Another week, another comic. Yay!

First off, I do hope that this does not come across as condescending to any of my Korean readers who happen to be in the process of learning English. If anything, the purpose of this strip is to send the opposite message.

Every so often, especially when I’m out with my foreigner friends, I’ll approach a Korean who wants to try his/her English abilities with me. Though not everyone is a fan of this, I personally love it. The downside is that I often get too excited, and I tend to speak very quickly (and loudly) when I’m excited. This usually scares the poor Korean away, leaving me wanting to chase after them while screaming “LET ME LOVE YOU”. To everyone I’ve scared away, I’m so sorry.

Why do I love these small attempts at conversation so much? I guess, to me anyway, it shows that the fear of foreigners is being replaced by curiosity and general acceptance. Also, I know it takes guts to try to communicate in a language that you may not be familiar with (especially with a native speaker). I’m sure my Korean would be much better if I wasn’t so scared to speak it on a regular basis.

The next time you approach a situation like this (with anyone), try to hear them out. If you can, take a few minutes out of your day to let them chat. Also, don’t scare them off like I have done on so many occasions.

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

Got any questions, comments, or maybe even some delicious cookies you want to send through the internet? Feel free to contact us at dearkoreacomic at gmail dot com.

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