Dear Korea #066 - Unintentionally Funny

Dear Korea #066

Okay readers, let me start off by saying I AM VERY SORRY FOR MY ABSENCE. If you would like to continue reading to find out why, feel free. If not, please enjoy the comic, and I apologize once again for the lack of comics over the past month or so. I hope this one is funny enough to make up for it.

Anyways, before I give my explanation, let me explain the comic. Since I’ve come to Korea, I’ve seen so many random shirts that say the most hilarious things on them. It makes me wonder if people are even aware of what they’re getting into when they purchase and wear said clothes. What makes it even funnier is when you see the children’s clothes with very adult quotes on them. Some of my favorites include:
“I support Desert Storm.”
“Congratulations on not being pregnant!”

Really, I guess it’s not too different from when non-Chinese people get tattoos of Chinese characters on their bodies. When comparing the two situations, I think I’d rather have a silly shirt over something permanent. What are some of the funniest shirts you’ve seen during your time in Korea (or anywhere else)? Please do share!

As promised, here’s a brief explanation of what’s been going on to clear up why I’ve been missing. First off, my computer died in a very horrible way. When you have a comic that is completely done on the computer, that’s not good news. Not having the time to get it fixed right away, I had to wait until someone was able to take it to the service center to get it fixed for me. I ended up losing my hard drive, along with a lot of important stuff I had on it. I am happy to say that they were able to save the older Dear Korea files (meaning that making a book is still possible!), but it’s taken me a long time to recover all of the programs and extra files I needed to actually create the comic. Needless to say, that experience was not fun. Thank goodness for Korea’s great and affordable services!

Second, I started a new, full-time job at an animation company. Great news, right? It’s been a thrill to work at such an amazing company, but the amount of time and work I’ve been putting into it has taken a toll on everything else. Up until recently, I had mostly been working part-time at different jobs while spending most of my time doing freelance at home. As busy as all that kept me, I still had time to work on other projects (such as this comic).

The issue now is that I don’t seem to have nearly as much time to dedicate myself to things outside of work. That being said, I would hate to have to stop doing Dear Korea, especially since this comic has some of the best readers in the world. With that in mind, I am regretful to say that this will now be a bi-weekly comic. It may go back to being updated on a weekly basis if I can manage to find a better way to do things (not having internet at work has made things really difficult), but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to keep up with the old schedule at the moment. I sincerely apologize, and I hope everyone can understand that this was not an easy decision for me. What can I say? I love receiving weekly feedback ♥

Anyways, though it wasn’t as brief as I thought it would be, I hope this all explains my absence, as well as the change in schedule that will be starting from today. Thanks for reading!

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

Got any questions, comments, or maybe even some delicious cookies you want to send through the internet? Feel free to contact us at dearkoreacomic at gmail dot com.

You can also leave comments on the comic’s Facebook Page!