Dear Korea #034

Dear Korea #034

Whoo~ This one took me a while to do. Anyways, it seems like everyone who enjoys chowing down on Korean BBQ from time to time has a favorite place that they consider to be the best. As a result, I’ve been introduced to all sorts of awesome restaurants that were pretty similar to each other. I guess it’s natural for the “best” to be different for everyone, seeing how everyone has different tastes.

I think it’s also fair to say that people judge places based on different factors. For example, no restaurant will be making my “favorites” list unless they have good kimchi. Typical, I know. To me, grilled meat is grilled meat. If the side dishes aren’t that great, then there’s little reason for me to go back. It took me a while, but I think I finally found my own special, favorite place (thanks to an awesome friend who recently left). Thanks a ton, Mr. Ross!

All this talk of food is making me hungry…

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

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