Dear Korea #030

Dear Korea #030

Another one based off of very true events. While it may have been a pleasant surprise for some, it definitely wasn’t for me, especially since I was spending my first few nights in Korea at my aunt’s house. They really like that Kenny G. music in the background.

Apologies if the subject matter is a little too mature for some people. For those of you who aren’t aware, Korea sometimes airs soft core pornography at odd hours of the night. I think they just do it for the cable channels, but I can’t say for sure. They’re pretty good at blurring out everything below the belt, but they are not shy about showing lady chests from all over the world. I am not proud to say that since living in Korea, I’ve managed to watch more Sex in the City and bad movies like Zombie Strippers than I’m proud to admit.

Funny how they’re willing to show all that, but they censor the “gory” parts of Indiana Jones.

Also, this is Dear Korea’s 30th strip! Yay!

Jen Lee's Dear Korea

This is Jen Lee. She likes to draw.
She also likes green tea.

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