Date Night With Busan


Yeah, that's right. 'Ugh'.

Ever had that feeling? When everything is absolutely great and you should be totally, entirely, and ECSTATICALLY BLISSFUL...but there's still one or two small things that are really bothering you, like the fact that you have to finish laundry sometime in the next millennia? Yeah. That kind of 'ugh'.

Aside from a small emotional breakdown this week was fantastic! I have to add that the breakdown was just par for the course. Living in a foreign country so far away from family gets to you every now and then. I'm surprised that I hadn't had an episode before now. But don't worry, I'm fine. I talked to my mum, ate a lot of Kimchi Jjigae, and then bought a whole bunch of skin/make-up products from "Skin Food" and started to feel better. Thanks for being concerned.


Not really a whole lot of news on what's going on with N and S Korea. However, China has finally decided that they're not going to 'support anyone' in this situation. I'm not really sure what that means yet. I don't really know if anyone is entirely sure what that means yet. We'll just have to wait and see, but life is going on as usual. Lotte isn't getting mobbed for groceries by people who think that other people are going to mob Lotte for groceries and no other major forms of pandemonium have broken out anywhere.

Here's some update for you:

Now for nicer things to think about

I've been wondering lately what my talent is. I actually sat down and thought about it.

After a bit of figuring through all of the jumbled mess that is my mind I came to the following conclusion:

I am a jack of all trades.

You know the saying.. "Jack of all trades, master of none." Yep, that's me for you. I've got my hand in a hundred different interests, but I'm so busy sharing my attention and changing my mind about what I feel like doing that day that I don't have time to become spectacular at anything in particular. Which honestly... is just peachy with me.


Well, I feel really lucky to have so many interests and opportunities to pursue them. I get to do so many things that people never get to do, and even if I'm not the 'best' at it or not even particularly 'good' at it, at least I'm enjoying it and having a fantastic time.

Make-up art
Gender Anthro
Dog walking
(and so on)

I've got a ton of interests, and honestly a moment should never pass when I'm bored. But I have bored moments all the time, because inevitably there are times when the one thing I want to do is the one thing that I can't do at that moment for some reason or another.

I want to write more, because at the moment I've got a lot to say about nothing in particular. But I'm just about to head out for a 'night on the town' (BTW anybody want to explain to me where this saying came from? Because when I think about it, it just sounds weird. 'On the town'? Does that mean that the town is paying for everything/providing the fun, as one particular meaning of 'on' would be... or what? Someone give me a hint) with some new friends.

Apparently there's a difference between a 'Club' and a 'Korean club'. I'm about to find out what that difference is, and I'm sure it will be nothing short of exciting.

Look forward to more random updates.

I plan to take pictures sometime, of something.

Anyway, to tide you over until then check out these guys:


Until next time,
