The Dadaepo Sunset Fountain of Dreams

Home Fountain Show

I’m not sure which is more audacious — billing yourself as the “world’s best and biggest fountain”, or calling yourself the Fountain of Dreams. Big words, Dadaepo, and you’ve set the bar high. Would your musical show of color and water be the “magnificent and dynamic banquet of light” which your website promises us? We expect no less!

Busan Blog

Actually, the show was pretty good. I’m not saying it was life-changing or anything, or that I was whispering under my breath, “Finally I have found the fountain of my dreams“, but I was reasonably entertained. And one really can’t expect much more from colorfully-lit water splashing to the beats of Andrea Bocelli.

Around the huge, circular fountain, 60-meters in diameter, all the seats were packed full. Mostly, it was families with young kids, like the group seated next to us. The mom was pestering her son to practice his English on us, which was fine with me, since he kept giving us his potato chips for another instructive exchange of “thank you”, “you’re welcome”. And once the music started, the kid was shaken by spasms of excitement. He either has a ridiculous appreciation for Mr. Bocelli, or the fountain truly was a magical dream for him.

Before the show began, we had a chance to check out Dadaepo Beach. A beautiful stretch of beach overlooking a peninsular park, the beach looked great. This section of town, on the far southwest of the city limits, is a lot more popular and interesting than I had figured during the interminable train ride here, and we promised to return.

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Busan 2012
Dreams Sunset Fountain Busan
Dreamy Colors
Club Busan
Busan Reflection
Fun In Korea
Korea Travel Books
Fountain Busan
Busan Fountain
Springbrunnen Busan
Sightseeing Busan
Psycho Run
Run For Your Life
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Super Wet Korea

We're Jürgen and Mike, from Germany and the USA. Born wanderers, we love learning about new cultures and have decided to see the world... slowly. Always being tourists might get lame, but eternal newcomers? We can live with that. So, our plan is to move to an interesting new city, once every three months. About 91 days.

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