Creative juices flowin…

I’ve been in Korea a few months over two years now.  I have tried various hobbies and things to keep myself busy. If you know me personally, you know that I am a very active person. I have tried many new things that I have enjoyed, but haven’t stuck with too many of them. Mostly for convience sake.

Fortunately, I have been able to stay with blogging and have increased my latest creative outlet: making videos. I love to be creative, but don’t play an instrument, and frankly don’t have a desire to learn one either. Making videos has proven to be an exciting way to release my creative juices and, most recently, has become an avenue for practicing my Korean skills.

Many foreigners tell me I speak a lot of Korean. I guess, if we were comparing myself to the average foreigner here, that would be true. However, I am not into comparing myself to others. I am not in a competition, nor has that ever proven to be productive. For truly, if I look to my fellow man to be ”the standard,” I am looking in the WRONG DIRECTION.

I have had my Youtube channel for a while now, pretty much since I came to Korea. I have had many ideas and even uploaded and published about 50 videos. I have been wanting to do more with my channel this year and looking forward. So, I finally recruited a friend to make a video [that has been scripted and waiting to find the right person] for about 7 months. Here it is:  

When this video was shared on Facebook, a guy named Loren saw it and contacted me. He was so excited about that video and suggested we do one together, stating that he has been wanting to do a video like that for a while. We chatted eachother up, and a NEW (CREATIVE) “BABY” was born! We have the same vision for these videos and so we decided to make a joint Youtube channel. We will each maintain our current, individual channels and continue posting on them, but we have committed to publishing at least one webisode each week.

We are doing this for fun, to make others laugh, to practice our Korean, and to enjoy/celebrate the culture we live in. Please check it out and join the fun!

I'm on Facebook, Youtube and Wordpress... Come join my adventures!<br><br>
~Kasham Laîné