Bojagi (Korean Quilting) Class

This is my final bojagi project.  A Korean sock.  I started it last week and will finish it (hopefully) during my last class next Wednesday.  It won't have the chasu (Korean embroidery) but I think I will be visiting my favorite chasu shop in Dongdaemun to get something to decorate my socks. 
She also brought me this scissors case that she has been working on.
             My homework last week was to stitch all these pieces together.  I am making two socks.

Today I started the quilting.  I will be quilting both sides and the center so it all looks like the bottom right side.  I get to do this to both socks and I have until next Wednesday to finish it.  I have a lot of work to do.
This is what my kitchen table looked like at the end of today.  I also have to finish the center of that orange bojagi you see in the photo.
KJ also brought me some satin for my final project.  I'm going to make a bojagi of only triangles.  She'll get me started on it next week and I'll work on it and finish it back in the States.