This Blog is Moving

I created a more appropriate URL for this blog about a year ago, and have since been too lazy to move it over. Sometime in the next week, probably tonight, I'm finally going to actually do that. Probably. I don't really plan on deleting the stuff at this address, at the moment; I'm just done posting at it.

I had originally intended on posting some stuff that I have written, but didn't really feel like sharing while I was still in Korea. Things like:

  • Good and bad experiences teaching private lessons. The bad was not that bad, but certainly less than great. Given that teaching private lessons is illegal, I got what was coming to me and stopped taking that risk after the unexplained experience.
  • That time I punched an ajoshi in the face. Ridiculous. While he certainly had it coming, this is never a particularly great idea if you're a woman in Korea. It's probably not such a hot idea for men, either.
  • All of the fun end-of-contract bullshit that I went through with both of my employers. In hindsight, it wasn't really that bad. I mean, I got paid out in full, which is more or less a success as far as Korea goes. So, yay me.

I may or may not post those on the other blog. Frankly, at this exact moment, I don't feel like writing about Korea on the web any more. It's over, I'm gone, and I'm currently seeking employment in Japan and the Middle East. 

I inadvertently talked one of my CELTA classmates out of going to teach in Korea. This was never my intent. Quite the opposite, really. I honestly do think that South Korea is a great place for somebody who has never taught ESL to start. I would gladly recommend either of my former positions (E Bo Young Talking Club, YBM) to a friend; I was blessed with great support staff and kind directors at both.

For those who enjoy the culture and can wind up in a university job, at an international school, or something like that, it's not a bad place to stay. It just wasn't for me, and I've never been anything but honest about that point. I went to Korea to pay off some bills, further my education, acquire some teaching experience, learn about a different culture, make some new friends, and give myself the opportunity to explore this world even further. On all counts I consider the venture a success.