Awesome Weekend Part I: Football


Hello Readers.

Well, it's been a fantastic weekend! And, by the way, my hair cut turned out awesome! I'm SO excited. More about that later.

To begin, I'd just like to say...



Now let me tell you, I've never been a huge fan of watching sports. Sitting down and watching other people play a sport just never seemed like the ideal fun-time for me. However, lately I've been becoming interested in soccer. Ever since I went to my first soccer match with a co-worker of mine I've been becoming more and more intrigued by the game. So I was excited about the world cup happening this weekend!

I ALMOST didn't go! Why? Well, because I hadn't eaten all day and I ordered some food somewhere and they were backed up so it was taking forever and the group I was going with suddenly planned on leaving earlier. The thought of not being able to eat anything until after the game was not one I took kindly too. So I initially thought " it really that big of a deal."

Yes. Yes it is. I discovered this later.

We watched the game at Sajik stadium, so we had to make a bit of a trip on the subway to get there. On the way we bought some face stickers/temporary tattoos and a couple of "Red Devil" bandannas. Then when we arrived we were greeted by a huge line of vendors selling light up devil horns, long balloons that you can slam together and they make irritating noises (this is instead of clapping), t-shirts, hair bands, and many other items that you seem to suddenly need when on your way to cheer for a sports team.

Ems and I bought headbands with big red crinoline bows on them. We all looked pretty great by the time the game started! The more "Red Devil" red you wore and the more stickers you had on you the better. It was so much fun.

Then the game started. I have never been so interested in a sporting event in my entire life. I was on the edge of my seat, sometimes even half standing in anticipation for a goal. I yelled, I cheered, I even cursed once or twice (shame shame :P).

I never realized what an interesting sport soccer was until last night when I couldn't get enough of watching all the footwork, the goal attempts, the saves, and the occasional violence (soccer's a rough game, I had no idea).

It was nice to watch Korea play, because I noticed they never played dirty. Some of the Greek team were tripping and pushing and fouling all over the place. There were a couple of times when I was definitely like "WHAT THE HECK?! DID YOU SERIOUSLY JUST DO THAT?!" after watching a Greece player very obviously (and painfully) foul a player for Korea. Thankfully one of the worst foulers got a 'yellow card' which I found out means that he can't play in the next game.

HA! Take THAT, you MEANIE!

Anyway. It was an awesome time, and I am totally cheering for Korea during their next game again Argentina on the 17th. Argentina is apparently one of the best teams in the world, but I have high hopes for team Korea!!!!

Here's a look at my outfit for that evening of Sajik Stadium Red Devil Super Bowl watching.

These are pictures that I took after the evening was over. That was around 5:45 AM because we stayed out to watch the England vs. America game at 3am. Yikes!

How's my outfit? Yeah... I love it too!

People really went nuts with the stickers/temporary tattoos. Mine say "I love Korea" and "Fighting!"

I also had a neat soccer ball with wings and the Korean national emblem on my arm! Heehee!

This picture is brought to you by my exhaustion and my t-shirt which says "Do u love Korea?" Can you guess my answer? :)

The England vs. America game wasn't as exciting. That's mostly due to the fact that I was really tired, and the other fact that there were English and American people screaming obscenities all around me half of the game. That makes for a very not-so-enjoyable atmosphere. I dozed off a couple of times admittedly.

Also, the game itself didn't really get anywhere, did it? I mean, those of you who saw it know. They tied. They each scored one goal and the rest of the game was footsie, and a couple of "OUCH! That looked painful!" moments.

Poor USA goalie got kicked in the chest with those cleats. The slow-motion recap captured the look of pain on his face as the collision occurred. There will certainly be a bruise.

Anyway. I have more things to write up about, but I don't have anymore time. Part II coming up later.

Everyone have a great day!

Until next time,
