An activity I like to do with my kindergarteners is a pizza...

An activity I like to do with my kindergarteners is a pizza craft. I have cards with various vocabulary, such as pepperoni, onion, bell pepper, mushrooms, cheese, dough, and tomato sauce. This is a breakdown of the activity:

  1. We go over the vocabulary and talk about the ingredients of pizza.
  2. I ask them what pizza smells and tastes like.
  3. I ask them to describe their favorite pizza. Then, I tell them that they’re going to make their favorite pizza with construction paper.
  4. Have the children cut the construction paper into the following shapes: red into small circles (pepperoni), white into small squares (onions), green into small squares (bell pepper), and yellow into long squiggly lines (cheese).
  5. Give the children paper. On the paper, they can draw a circle on top (for the pizza), and write below about the ingredients.
  6. The children should start by coloring the circle “tomato sauce” red. Then, they create their favorite kind of pizza by gluing on as many toppings as they want.

It may seem feel a little cheesy (haha) doing this lesson, but I find that the children always really enjoy it!


Hi, I'm Stacy. I'm from Portland, Oregon, USA, and am currently living in Busan, South Korea. Check me out on: Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Lastfm, and Flickr.