Looking for calligraphy and Korean cooking classes in English

I am looking for calligraphy and Korean cooking classes with instructors who can speak English, or perhaps a little English. I believe this has been asked before without much response, but would anyone with any information please reply.

Calligraphy: Go for it! Jump in! The water's fine!

I've lived here in Korea and  speak Korean fairly well. I went to a Korean Calligraphy hagwon after work for a few months here in Yonghodong.

One month was spent drawing or rather, painting straight verticle lines. The next month I graduated to horizontal lines. It is surprizingly difficult but, as with learning a skill it takes alot of practice and someone to show you how to do it. And that is it: I recommend getting one of your Korean friends to get you into a Korean calligraphy hagwon. The teacher there will set you up, draw a few lines for you to show you how to do it and then you practice away.

it is surprisingly difficult to do in practice. The teaching is the easy part.

As to practicing at home: I got myself a cheap 10,000 won calligraphy kit at a stationery supply store to start with. They have the paper there too.